Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mepron Redux

Well , Spring is here and with it my latent Babesia has flowered.
I have been having so many symptoms again that it gets confusing but my recent blood work confirmed Babesia WA1 is still there. That would explain the skull-crushing migraines and killer joint pain i have been getting again.
This strain is supposedly a West coast strain but is now found all over the continental US.
It is a particularly stubborn bug and hard to eradicate. My previous 5 month stint with Mepron
( an antimalarial drug used for other blood parasites to varying degrees of success ) Zithromax
( which is supposed to increase Mepron's effectiveness )and quarts of Fevertree tonic and bitter lemon ( contains Quinine ) last summer seems to have reduced the overall load in my body but not enough to effect a cure. Considering how diligent i was , this is disappointing on a grand scale.
The goopy yellow stuff is tremendously expensive and i am not looking forward to a repeat.
I am going on a higher dose this time , adding Haritaki , an Ayurvedic herb that breaks down biofilm( the protective coating bacteria, viruses , parasites make to protect themselves from harm) and Artesunate at some point ( what W.H.O. has recently endorsed as the most effective Malaria cure ) And i wanted to wean myself off meds this summer . Ha.

The real issue is NO ONE knows how to cure these new strains of disease that are showing up and proliferating like mad. And they all seem resistant to the old guard of medicines that are being thrown at them. It really is all just a grand guignol experiment.
I really believe that there is a remedy or cure out there in Nature somewhere for every natural disease or pathogen. Except some of these things have been hatched in labs and genetically modified . Once escaped back into nature they radically alter themselves , mutating into Super-Bugs that don't respond to modern medicine. Or ancient medicine.
Lyme Disease has existed for Eons but newer strains are much more virulent and harder to eradicate. BORELLIA, MRSA , MARCONS, WEST NILE VIRUS, AVIAN & SWINE FLU all of these have been tinkered with or created in labs. Some from decades ago when our country (and others) had officially sanctioned Biological Defense Programs . These "experiments " , once out into the population mutate further , causing epidemics we are hardly prepared for .
We have created a monster.
Don't believe me ? Read
Lab 257 by Michael Christopher Carroll . Meticulously researched and eye-opening. It gives you a lot to think about .
But i digress.
i am but an unwitting victim of fate and circumstance. I am just trying to understand it all.
I just want to be well .
So , on i fight. Bring on the Mepron ...

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