Friday, March 27, 2009

Some Good News

ok - i am going to cautiously accept this news as GOOD - Colin is not exhibiting any symptoms and appears to be in great health - and with an acknowledgment of the unreliability of the testing that is currently out there- with that one small caveat - i am going to say with some measure of assuredness that COLIN DOES NOT HAVE LYME DISEASE !
I need to go over the tests with his Pediatrician when she returns from vacation and i will keep a watchful eye on him , nonetheless , but the preliminary word is that he is negative for Borrelia Burgdorferi . I pray it stays that way FOREVER. I never want him to go through what his father and i are enduring. He is so pure and sweet and full of life and i just need him to stay that way for as long as is humanly possible. Isn't that every mother's dream ?

I want to cry tears of relief and joy but i have to be honest i am afraid of jinxing it.
When i am at my wit's end i tend toward superstition . ( salt over shoulder , three hail mary's )
i just want him to be ok.
I have to remember to stay in the present moment and accept what IS.
My baby boy is ok, right here, right now.
ok, breathe.

Thanks to everyone out there waiting with held breath, too.
i really appreciate all of your love and support these days.
It helps me get through . It really does.


  1. We're all pulling for you guys!! Love you!

  2. Great news about Colin...we have been waiting/hoping to hear this good news.
