Thursday, April 2, 2009

From Atop the Dizzying Heights

It is hard to tell where one is at with Lyme Disease and all its mercurial traits.
There are different ailments for different days and even those ailments move around your body like an apparition . Pain looms large one minute, in- say your left knee- then disappears a few hours later to take up residence in the back of your head, not unlike getting suddenly walloped by a softball to the skull.
Having Lyme Disease makes you in a constant state of flux - any kind of stasis or stability only a wistful remembrance of things past.
It is enough to drive one mad - if you let it.
I am still in the mode of wrapping my mind around the whole complexity of this disease. I have been on this new protocol with a Lyme Literate MD now for two weeks and i am , in fact, much better.
I can at least get out of bed .
I have some good days where i only have five or six major issues going on - e.g. my feet are cold and numb, my left shoulder is sore , it hurts when i pee, my eye is twitching uncontrollably for hours and i am feeling joint pain in my wrists and hands. That's a good day.
Don't get me wrong - i have hours here and there where i notice none of these and i almost feel normal again. Then one by one , the symptoms start to creep back in and i am reminded that i have a disease that isn't easily cured by anti-biotics as the current propaganda leads everyone ( who doesn't have Lyme ) to believe. There is a very good chance i will always have this pathogen in my body and i will have to , like countless others , learn to live with and learn to cope with the ugly reality of Lyme Disease for life.
Of course , my hopeful side wants to believe that as LD gets more and more prevalent and the media picks up on it that MAYBE just maybe there will be more funded research , more co-operation between contentious scientists, doctors and institutions and they will begin the process towards finding a REAL cure for this devastating illness.
I am one of the 'lucky' ones (so far) - i can still function , live my life with adjustments ( albeit in pain , and at half-mast ) but i can still walk and talk. There are many who cannot do these things due to permanent nerve and tissue damage from being left untreated or treated too late .
Yes, i am very lucky in that respect.
I am glad i started researching Lyme as soon as i was diagnosed and side stepped the mainstream BS and found a doctor who would help me.
The hardest thing though is to realize that had i had this information years ago i may have recognized the signs earlier or avoided it altogether by taking the proper precautions an/or early treatment.

I cannot seem to wrap my mind around the injustice of having a disease no one properly warned the public about . That is enough to drive one mad , in itself.

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