Friday, May 1, 2009

My New Best Friend

No , it's not another co-infection ! ; )

I recently purchased a Richway Infra-red Bio-Mat for as a therapeutic adjunct to my current Lyme Disease protocol. I did some research on the ability of infra-red to immobilize and/or kill spirochetes and other bacteria , viruses , etc. It is very compelling and i would love if we could build an infra-red sauna and have it in our yard to try out this theory.
It looks as if that may be possible in the future but not at the current time so i decided on getting the BioMat instead.
The BioMat uses infrared heat within its core to cause a false 'fever' in the body which helps destroy Lyme & friends and then as you sweat - out go the toxins . That of course is an over- simplified version of what happens but it covers the basics.

The infra-red heat which is EM-free helps to warm up your core , gets blood flowing, maximizes organ activity and flushes the system of toxins hiding out in the fatty tissues of your body . It heats muscles and joints and your skin stays amazingly cool ! Bottom line - it FEELS good.
I hope it also does a number on the Lyme & Co. , too but in the meantime it feels like heaven.
It's a win-win , as far as i am concerned. Everything used to treat this disease is ' experimental' at this point in time , unfortunately. As long as it isn't dangerous , i'll try it.
So far so good - The BioMat is AMAZING !
I have done several 'sweat' sessions and it is very similar to a sauna session, but easier.
It eases the aches and pains and calms down the nerve endings - all a very real and persistent symptom of chronic Lyme Disease. I really feel refreshed after following up with a nice shower.

You can also use lower heat setting for pain relief or help sleeping, too.
I found myself constantly arranging and re-arranging an oddball set of microwavable heating pads to my various 'sore' spots and needless to say this in itself was a pain . How much nicer is it to plug this mat in , set the temperature and lay down on it for however long i want or need to ?
It wasn't cheap , but worth EVERY plastic penny .
I don't know if it is pure coincidence but i have felt a lot better the last few days.
I will keep you posted on its effectiveness .
Now , If you will excuse me i have a 'date' with Mat.

Learn more here :
The Science behind Infra-red technology used in Medicine
BioMat Health

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